Oh my poor poor neglected blog... you sad little thing. How you must have waited for me for days and days to return, looking sadly into the distance hoping I would come back one day. Don't despair, dear blog. I have returned. I still love you! I had to take a break because the babies were destroying my house while I happily typed along. Although they made great blogging subjects, I couldn't justify the chaos that was created.
Even now as I sit here with you, one baby is trying to spill water on the keyboard, delete the whole page in one fell swoop, and pull all of my papers and pencils on the floor. The other one is still asleep, so I just knew it was time to chance a venture your way again.
Life... life with twin toddler boys. With 5 kids under eight.. it's a joy. It's a very very full joy. And messy too... and now that I think about it, noisy. very noisy.
But oh the fun we have, and the adventures they get into.
Lets see what have we done?
Camping... we're crazy, but we went camping with all of them to a Family Conference. A great time of marshmallows, dirt, running, laughing and friends. (oh, and screaming, overheating during the day and freezing at night).
Vacation Bible School... I've taken on the role as director this year to save it from being cancelled... lots of work. Lots of helpers, lots of fun.
Grade 2: We're done! sort of. But I'm satisfied anyways. multiple digit addition, multiple digit subtraction, ancient egypt, biology, spelling, grammar, the western hemisphere... There's always next year to move on...
Reading: we've conquered that mountain and now E has sprinted on ahead of me, reading hours a day, just about to begin reading the Narnia series.
allright the baby has declared me to be done.
blessings to you all!