On Saturday the kids spent the whole day with sean's parents, and we had some much needed alone time together. We drove all over the city looking at tent trailers, and ended up buying one!! We are so excited to go camping and make some great memories as a family.
We also went for a nice dinner, and later took in a movie (RV) before we picked up the kids.
Monday morning was spent at Heritage Park with my parents, and we all had a wonderful time. It's always a treat to go there... no concrete or ashphalt, lots of green grass and trees, good food, and many things to learn. The kids especially enjoyed going on the train, and the ferris wheel. We bought a season's pass so we could enjoy the park for the whole summer.
This morning, we've been busy cleaning, eating breakfast and doing schoolwork. In math E learned to count by fives, and we practiced counting nickles and pennies. In reading, we are starting our new program SWR (Spell to Write and Read) and reviewed some of the sounds. In art she drew a picture of herself smiling, while looking in the mirror. (cute, of course)...
Oh, and Z is starting to do some school work too... today he practiced cutting in his Kumon book... he had to cut along a line to the star, and then stop... and then cut along another line an then stop. This created a sheep pen with a little folding, and he's spent the rest of the morning playing with it. Amazingly enough, he has managed to turn the whole thing into a train LOL.
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