Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Day 1

The first official day of our trip had us leaving from the Catholic Music Festival, One Rock. It was pouring rain pretty much the entire weekend and maybe not the best way to start a 40 day trip, but the kids had fun with their friends and we were able to get a priest to give us a beautiful blessing just as we were leaving. 
The twins eating gelato on the heat registers in the trailer because it was cold and rainy- I'm sure we made the gelato truck very happy to show up in the rain with 9 people who actually wanted to buy ice cream on a rainy cold day. 

We left One Rock on Sunday morning and made it to Okotoks just in time to go to mass with our dear friends who are going as far as Quebec with us. 

Leaving the city limits was super exciting! I made Sean slow down so I could get a picture of the sign as we went by. We all waved by to calgary and I wondered how  crazy we were to go on a 40 day road trip with 8 children :) who does that? 

Our first real drive of the trip took us through Medicine Hat where we ate supper under the tallest Teepee in the world, and then to Maple Creek Sask for our fist night. 


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