- reading (Z is doing so good now!),
- learning to write letters (little H is now 4 and wants to do school everyday, so we've been following Serendipity plans for Along the Alphabet Path.)
- grammar (E is slowly working her way through First Language Lessons 3...)
- history (The middle ages)
- math (E is starting to learn long division already. Z is almost done his Horizions K book, H is learning about big/small, long/short)
- latin (the verbs to be, to be able to, the Lord's Prayer, the Table Blessing, The Sanctus, Gloria, and lots of vocab)
E is still in choir and piano lessons, and getting ready for her final concert and her piano recital. I can't believe the year is passing so quickly.
I am going to be an AUNTIE!! Woohoo!! My little sister is pg and due two weeks before me. This fall will prove to add lots of excitement to our little side of the world.
We have just about made it through the spring rush of birthdays and holidays. We still have my dad's birthday, my birthday, mother's and father's day, and sean's mom's birthday. Then early on in the summer is my mom, grandma, and brother-in-law. Phew! What a busy time of the year.

Z has become quite the little artist as well.. this picture is a creation for the girls. It was a surprise for them. He worked very carefully in the homeschooling room for quite a while before he proudly gave it to them. What a sweetie!

I love the art!!! My kids love the Alphabet Path and drawing veggie tales. I can`t wait to show my 8yo. He loves to draw. Do your kids ever sit and watch the drawing tutorials that come on after the Veggie Tales movies? Mine always grab their pencils and paper and draw and draw and draw!
So cute, love the art! Lessons sound like they are going well! Wow, long division (eek! lol, not eager to teach that topic!)
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