P took his first steps last month. big boy!! He will walk two steps at a time, but preferrs to crawl everywhere as he has perfected the 100 metre dash with crawling. JP is a little more cautious, and will only walk while holding someone's hand.
Both of the boys have gotten their top two teeth and bottom two teeth and are now working on a molar in the back. Strange, I know, but just another clue to me that they are indeed identical and not fraternal. They get the same teeth in the same wierd order. This has made for some very sleepless nights for mommy.

Thier favorite foods are frozen blueberries, frozen peas, raisins, corn, almond butter and jelly on toast, and french fries... oh, and don't forget mommy's milk. You can imagine that with a diet of frozen peas and almond butter, they get pretty messy. Especially since I don't have time to feed them carefully with a little spoon. The ammount of laundry I do in this house is crazy. But that's a whole other story... (in fact anyone want to come over and help me out? Just think of the nice blog post I could write about your thoughtful service)

There are so cute movies of the babies (you might have to click through to my website http://www.catholicmom.blogspot.com/ to see them, if you are reading this somewhere else).
What cuties! And fast crawlers, too! LOL I was impressed by how carefully your dishwasher was being unloaded. Mine were both *in* the dishwasher (at the same time) whenever we opened it up.
LOL Angela, mine are usually both trying to climb into the dishwasher too when it's opened. I'm always worried the weight of the two of them on the door will break it. They are so adventurous. It's amazing the trouble that two can get into. While I'm removing one from danger, the other one is close behind in his brother's footsteps to have his turn at the fun.
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