Monday, April 24, 2006

Back to school

We had a nice long easter break, (and believe me, it was needed... mostly by mom LOL). Today we decided to get back into the swing of things for another month or so until we wrap up our Kindergarten year for good. I think we'll have to have a special celebration when we are done. Any ideas out there?

Since it was our first day back, we took it pretty slow. First we had swimming lessons (the kids are getting so brave in the water.. this was a great thing to do for them!! Z even dipped half of his face into the water today. big boy!!). When we got home, we toured around the yard looking at signs of spring and new growth in our plants. Then we came in and read The dragon-fly Children and the Snapping Turtle, and then looked up in our books about dragonflies. We learned that they are born in the water, they eat bugs and even tadpoles, and they have 6 legs and 4 wings. E decided she wanted to paint some dragonflies so we got out our water colors and set to work:

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Anonymous said...

We could always have a big celebration dinner or lunch for Elizabeth!

Anonymous said...

When Doug finished kindergarten they had a graduation! I'll never forget how cute he looked. He wore a navy blazer and a long sleeved shirt and tan pants like Rob's and all the students wore graduation caps just like in High School and college. It was really sweet. They all lined up and got their diplomas and then had a little party with dancing. Maybe you can have a graduation with her grandparents and aunts and uncles and basically anyone else who wants to come!

Jennifer said...

I have an idea... you could get a BIG piece of cardboard (like a refridgerator box) and have her paint a body and background on it, paint the body around a hole cut-out for her face, so when she puts her face through she is "wearing" the body...

guess that dosn't have much to do w/ graduation; just thought it'd be cute.