Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Isn't this a lovely time of year? 

 It's snowing, the children can hardly wait another day for christmas to come, the house is filled with lovely smells from baking, and I am enjoying every minute of it.  

Our christmas shopping was done awhile ago, the baking is almost finished, the meal is planned, the christmas concert over.  The lights are up on the house, the christmas tree is waiting cheerily by the fireplace to be decorated and the Jesse tree is filling up with ornaments tracing the history of God's love through the ages.

I am full of such joy I can't help but smile.  I have been richly blessed. So blessed that it is overflowing into smiles.  

The big kids are over at their grandparents house for the day, the twins are sleeping and I am about to put on some pretty music and do some more baking.  This is a good day.  The sun is shining, it's quiet in my house and I have a full pantry, fridge and freezer.  

Yes, money is tight this year.  Tighter than most years... but I have found that God always provides just what we need....  and sometimes, having to wait for what we need (or want), teaches us lessons about what's really important.  

Yes, I get grumpy. Yes, my house gets messy.  Yes, I usually have no idea what to make for supper at 4:00pm every day and all the kids cry at the same time while i'm trying to make it...   

But overall, and running through everything,  I feel this abiding sense of peace that doesn't leave.

I am where I was created to be.   

It's a lot harder than I thought it would be.... but it's even more wonderful than I could have imagined.  Hard work and sacrifice that springs from love of others, and learning to give yourself as a gift, can bring a fulfillment in life that is unmatched by any other.  

This is what I am trying to learn from Christmas.  Live in the now. Love in the now. 

 Give yourself as a gift.


Tina Marie said...

Melanie, you sound so happy and that rubs off you know. Your post just gave me the right amount of spirit to keep on doing what I am doing and remind me how blessed I truly am. You are so right about the blessings and sacrifices. Being a wife and mother is not the easiest job in the world, but I believe it could be perhaps the most rewarding one. I just love the sounds and smells of this holy and happy season. I wish I was as organized as you. I still don't know what is going on the table Christmas or today for that matter. Warmest wishes and cheer from the south end of the city.

God Bless,

melanie said...

I'm only organized in my head Tina... I've learned to change my expectations about what perfect is (or at least I'm trying LOL).

I don't know what we're eating tonight either. I'm too busy having fun baking.

We can't have pasta or tacos or nachos as we've been having those three or variations of them for the past 2 weeks!!

asplendidtime said...

I live in the same province as you do. I think we met on 4 Real a year or two ago... Anyway, I have 8 children my oldest just turned 10. I really loved your post, it really blessed me. Life is so challenging for us too, and we keep going, I never feel like giving up (homeschooling/homeliving) anymore though, as hard as it can be at times, somehow I just keep going. God is good. Just this morning though, I was really down, another Sunday where the windchill has it below -40' and so we stay home here instead of taking our old van to church. The "live today, love today", is going to be my New Year's resolution. Thankyou!

Have a blessed Advent and Christmas!
Rebecca ~8smallones

Patterson's Progeny said...


My friend Holly Gustafson just told me about your blog and I have been enjoying reading it. I linked your blog onto mine so my friends and family can benefit from your joyful outlook on life as a mother of 5!
Catherine Patterson